Saturday, January 8, 2011

Correcting My Heart

Read: Genesis 15 & 16; Mark 8

"But turning around and seeing his disciples, He rebuked Peter and said, ‘Get behind me Satan; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests but man’s” Mark 8:33


Peter walked with Jesus daily. He left his life in order to follow Jesus. In this scene Peter learns that following Jesus does not mean that you have arrived at a place of alignment and perfection. What following Jesus ensures is that you are able to see more of your heart that needs to be aligned and perfected.


There are five things about my heart this morning that need to come into better alignment. First, I do not want to give more than I get in return. I want to be at least treated evenly and would prefer to come out slightly ahead. That is ugly but it is the truth of me. I am selfish and I do not want to lose what could be mine.

Second, I struggle to contain the appetite of my flesh. I want what I want, when I want it and in quantities that are excessive. This desire to consume is a huge vulnerability in my life.

Third, I have an angry and judgmental attitude towards people who annoy me. The list of things that could annoy me is quite long and when my triggers are pulled I struggle to contain my reaction. I can explode in a heartbeat and say things that are irreversible.

Fourth, I lack the perseverance needed to achieve the blessing of God. God’s blessing never comes easy and it is seldom quick. Waiting, enduring, and holding fast are values repeated often in the Bible. I lose heart with the passage of time and feel the need to press and make something happen.

Finally, the true desire of my heart is success for me and for God. I want God to get glory, but I also want glory for my own. This is not the attitude God requires of my heart. He asks me to take up my cross, deny myself, and follow after Him. The call of my life is to make my full joy seeing Him get His glory.


This has been really good for me this morning. It always amazes me how much peace I feel while You are correcting my heart. In a strange way it is like getting a massage. As You gently rub the tight-spots in my heart I feel the tension melt away and my soul begins to relax. I hear You clearly this morning and I receive what You have said with joy. I am also sober enough to know that the five things listed above are completely beyond my ability to control or change. I offer my heart to You; knowing that You start a journey with me today that You alone are able to complete. I pray that the eyes of my heart be enlightened so that I may full grasp all You desire to teach me.

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