Thursday, July 10, 2008

More than a Feeling

"But beloved we are convinced of better things concerning you, and things that accompany salvation." Hebrews 6:9

The writer of Hebrews is reminding his readers that there is more to our relationship with God than just our salvation. There is more to it than just rules and regulations. There is more to it than just a secured future.

Freedom. Security. Love. Acceptance. Peace. Mission. As I sit tonight I am really amazed when I think of all that God has given me through my salvation. Freedom from guilt, fear, condemnation, and legalism. Security in knowing that my life is taken care of. Love beyond anything I can comprehend and love to give that never runs dry. Acceptance to be who I am and allow others to be who they are. Peace that transcends circumstances and adversity. Most of all, a mission. A purpose. A calling. My life matters. It counts. There is something God wants me to accomplish with my life. He has a plan. Every day I live, I get a chance to have an eternal impact on someone's life.

We, as a church, need to be reminded of all that you have given through your Son. We need to really learn to understand freedom, security, love, acceptance, peace and most of all we need to return to our mission. In Matthew 28:19-20 your instructions are clear. We need to go and make disciples. I pray that you paint that vision in the heart of each member of Your body. I pray that every person we see reminds us of the love you have for them. Create inside of us an uncontainable desire to see Your gift come to every person we come in contact with. Haunt our minds with images of this lost and dying world. Give us a sense of urgency to see the peace of Your kingdom brought to all of the earth. Our relationship with You should be much more than just a feeling.

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