Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Much Fruit

Today's Reading:

John 15 & John 16:1-10


"My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples." John 15:8


"Fruit" is not limited to good behavior. It covers a wide range of things such as obedience out of honor, joy beyond circumstance, prayers that witness answers, tangible closeness to God, love that pours out to others, and an inability to stop sharing God with others.


God is glorified by His movements in my life. His movements in my life are enabled when I abide in His Son. My ability to abide in His Son is limited by the choices that I make. John 15 points out a few things that will help me make better choices for abiding with Christ.

First I have to accept the fact that I am clean. John 15:3 records Christ telling me this. Once I confessed my sins to God and surrendered my life to Christ as savior I became spotless. I love that. It is done. Finished. Complete. Lacking nothing. Regardless of how I feel I must let go of my guilt, kick aside my condemnation, and hold my head up high. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. It is not based on me or my behavior; it is based on the word Christ has spoken concerning me.

Second I have to accept the fact that though I am clean my behavior still counts. Christ gives me all the freedom in the world to choose as I please and not have His grace over my life be affected at all. That truth, as glorious as it is, does not change the fact that while freedom has been bestowed, the call on my life is to abide in Him. Any pursuit that carries me away from the will of my Father will result in me being miserable. My choices must carry me into the heart of my Savior.


Father I genuinely love the fact that You started out this day by affirming that You love and accept me as being clean and pure. There is nothing I can do in this day to earn that and nothing I can do to lose that. You could never love me or accept me more than You do right now. That is an amazing truth.

I also genuinely love the fact that You refuse to allow me to coast. Bearing fruit is hard work. It necessitates sacrifice, alertness, wisdom, and energy that are beyond what I am capable of accomplishing on my own. You have truly called me to a mission that is a challenge above all I could ever seek.

I pray today that You take my heart and do with it as You please. There are still areas of my heart I hide from You. In a quiet moment of conviction I can see that there are dreams that I am not ready to lay down, sins I can not forget, hurts that refuse relief, and questions that haunt my peace. I give it all to You today and pray that You fill me to good measure with the heart I need to be the man You desire.

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