Monday, March 1, 2010

Important Things to Know

Reading: 1 Peter 1

"Therefore, prepare for your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 1:1


The recipients of this letter were facing an extraordinarily difficult time in the history of the church. Nero was on the throne and the Jewish religious leaders were still on the prowl. Early Christians had been scattered abroad and were forced to largely function underground. In this opening chapter, Peter outlines some important things for them to know if they were to remain engaged in the battle.


I see three things that I need to know if I am going to stay engaged, keep sober and hold on to my faith during hard times. First, I have to know who I am. This chapter contains some incredible reminders of who I became when I accepted Christ. I am sanctified. I am chosen. I am filled with a living hope. Grace and peace are mine to their fullest measure. Nothing on earth can ever change this.

I also have to know what is to come. Verses four and five remind me that this world is not my home. This life is not my reward. The earth and all that is in it can not compare to the future glory that awaits those who place their faith in Christ. Everything that happens to me this side of heaven, whether good or bad, is nothing compared to the eternal greatness that awaits me in heaven.

Finally, I have to know my value. I am not simply a sinner saved by grace. This entire chapter paints a picture of the value that lies within any believer. All that has been given to Christ has been made available to me. God has called me to be uniquely who He created me to be. The only requirement is that I love Him with all my heart and that I love my neighbor as myself. As I do these things I am allowed to play a pivotal role in the redemption of the world.


I do not want to be counted among those who shrunk back because the journey was too tough. I do not want to sit on the sidelines and watch the game of life be played without me. I do not want to live one day of this life without experiencing the fullness of the joy that is available to me.

Thank You for loving me enough to refuse to allow me to settle. I ask that You make me fully aware of all that is going on around me today. Help me to clearly discern what You desire for me to accomplish with this day. Strengthen me to engage in the battle today and wage war as a good soldier.

With every breath take today I ask that You remind me of who I am, what awaits me next, and the value that You have given to me.

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