Friday, September 3, 2010

Confirmation, Not Affirmation

Read: Galatians 1

"Paul, an apostle (not sent by man nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead)..." Galatians 1:1


God called Paul to a work that was not endorsed by the men of his day. The line of people willing to affirm Paul in his mission was very short. In fact, every aspect of Paul's ministry was counter to what the men of his day would endorse or approve. The Jews were against the Gospel. The Jews who had been redeemed were against taking the gospel to the Gentiles. Paul never sought affirmation of men regarding his ministry. The only thing he sought was confirmation from God that he was on the right track. God proved this daily through the fruit of Paul's obedience.


Affirmation from others is often the first thing that I seek. This is especially the case when God begins to stir something inside of me. The issue with this becomes that men rarely approve of God's work. God's ways are not our ways. His logic is different from our logic. He often calls us toward things that are irrational in their thinking and impossible in their scope. If I allow my heart to be affected by not getting affirmation from people around me, then I will be torn to pieces inside. Instead of affirmation, I need to trust God to confirm the path He has chosen by His power.


Father, it is impossible for me to balance all the voices that I am hearing right now. I ask that You use Your power to confirm the path that You have me on. The things that You are stirring within me are difficult to grasp and I often find myself feeling restless and overwhelmed. I confess to You this morning my anxious thoughts and ask that You forgive me for taking my eyes off of You. Thank You for answering my prayers and meeting with me this morning. I am content to sit and wait on You to confirm Your plans for me. Wherever You lead, whatever You ask, You have my yes. Make Your way clear to me. Help me to examine my heart and strengthen my faith as I sit and wait on Your direction.

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