Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Some Chains to Break

Read: Hebrews 7

"Therefore He is able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them." Hebrews 7:25


The provision of grace and mercy are amazing things. There is no end to their provision for those who live their lives under submission to God through their faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus, a perfect high priest, permanently sits at the right hand of the Father and intercedes on behalf of those who are of Him.


"Drawing near to God through Jesus". I look at that phrase and I feel inside of me a sense of frustration. I read the words and I comprehend them, but I can't shake this feeling that I am missing something. It feels like I smell fresh bread baking but I just can't locate where it is coming from. There is depth to this truth that I have yet to realize. Something blocks me from living out a life altering expression of drawing near to God and being freed of all guilt and shame.


I do not want to move past the truth of this verse. Jesus, I can't escape this feeling deep in my soul that I have yet to experience a full expression of the work You completed at the cross. I have yet to fully release myself from my sins and I still carry their regret. I have not completely set aside my ambitions and I have not walked so close to God that I would be able to say that all I need is taken care of in You. The flesh can not comprehend the truths of the Spirit. I have read commentaries and listened to sermons on this verse but I acknowledge to You that these cerebral activities can't help me break the chains that hold me down.

There is so much inside of me that is still so broken. I struggle with thoughts that are not holy and an image of myself that is distorted. Decisions I have made in the past created patterns of thinking that are hard to break. There are images in my mind that I never should have allowed. There are experiences I have had that haunt me still. There are wicked feelings and emotions that cover my heart in prideful vines.

I pray that the truth of this verse be released in my life. From where I am and as best I know how I step towards You this morning. Help me to experience the complete release of my sins past, sins present and sins future. I pray that my heart be made whole and that I be led to live a life of bold confidence in the work of the cross. I also ask that You lead me deep into the heart of our Father. I want to be close to Him. I want feel His presence warm me, His shadow hide me, and His power move me. Remove the things that block my heart from being freed of its pride and shift my focus so that all I need in life is truly found and celebrated in You.

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