Wednesday, June 4, 2008

5 Points of Leadership

"When the righteous increase, the people rejoice." Proverbs 29:2

This scripture points to something in the leadership of a righteous man that causes others to rejoice. As I read through Proverbs 29, I see five things that I should keep in mind.

First, justice brings stability. At first glance I have a tendency to blow right past verse 5 as it talks about accepting bribes. I would never accept a bribe, so why bother with that passage. But as I have thought on it, I realize a few things about bribes that I never really understood before. I accept bribes from my kids and I offer bribes to them. It is so tempting to offer to "reward" them with something if they just shut up. Or there are times my heart gives in to the pitiful faces that are promising to never do it again. Brandy and I often deal with each other in bribes. She will offer me something to sleep in or miss work. I will offer her something to get out of a party or event. I also offer and accept bribes at work. Everyday I am given the opportunity to make decisions and there are times that decision is clouded by an emotional bribe of some sorts. I do not feel like God is saying that these things are sinful, but He is saying that they lead to instability. If I am not careful, my kids will throw fits just to get a reward. Brandy and I will no longer deal with each other based on love, but will always be expecting something in return. My decisions will vary based on the amount of sympathy I have for the person standing in front of me. In short the taking and offering of bribes works great in a pinch, but in the long run it will lead to instability in my life and for those around me.

Second, as I go, so go those I lead. Verse 12 says that if I pay attention to falsehood, all the people I lead become wicked. This is not just talking about lies. It is talking about anything that is counter to the truth of God's word. My decisions about what I give my attention to affects the morals of my kids, my wife and for those I lead at work. I can say whatever I want. I can put up all the fronts I want. But ultimately, I will reproduce what I am. I need to passionately guard what gets my attention.

Third, people need direction. Verse 18 says that where there is no vision, the people go unrestrained. My kids need to know that I have expectations. My wife needs to know where I am leading the family and what I need from her. People at work need to know the boundaries for what they can do. Giving vision is not easy. It requires communicating my desires to others and asking them to help me accomplish them. It demands of others that they alter their desires to get in alignment with mine. That is never an easy thing to do, but it is essential. Outside of solid direction from me my family and my work will become chaotic.

Fourth, I need to have realistic expectations. Verse 14 talks about dealing with the poor in truth. As I have thought about this it has expanded in my mind to mean more than just poor in terms of money. There are times that people just do not have anything to offer. People can become so tired that they lose their ability to control their emotions. In the heat of the moment people poor in restraint can say things that they don’t mean. Everyone has flaws in their personality that prevent them from being able to do certain things. I need to be really careful in how I deal with people. My expectations of them have to be grounded in the reality of what they have to offer.

Finally, I have to drive results. Verse 19 says that a slave will not be instructed by words alone. It is nothing more than a fantasy to think that I will say something to someone and it will get done. It takes much more than just words. People have to know that I love them. They have to no where I am going and why I am asking them for something. This is true of my kids, my wife, and my staff. I must always be patient with the time that it will require to get the results I want. That also means that I must pick my battles.

Father, being a leader is not an easy task. Help me bring stability in my life by allowing all my decisions to be grounded in justice. I need Your help in staying away from emotional bribes and being swayed by people. Hold me firm. I pray that you protect me from paying attention to anything that is contrary to Your word. The things that I allow in my life will reproduce themselves in the people I lead, please help me guard my thoughts. I pray that You give me the wisdom to deal with people fairly and to express my needs and desires in a humble and pleasing way. Give me the patience I need to work through things with others and constantly remind me of the patience that you have with me. I do not take the leadership You have given me lightly. I do not want to lose any person that You have given to me. Continue to grow me into the man and leader You desire me to be.

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