"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise." Ephesians 5:15
Lifestyle matters. That is the bottom line. Each day I make many individual choices that come together to create my lifestyle. What is God saying to me this morning about walk of life? As I read through Ephesians chapter 5, I see a few things that He wants me to hear this morning.
First, I must choose to imitate God by walking in love. Everything in the Christian life must be grounded in love. His love has done so much for me and He expects me to imitate that love in the life of others. I should freely give to others in my life just as God has freely given to me. I wonder what the impact would be if I where to spend time just looking around and seeking opportunities to give away God's love?
Second, I must choose to stay far away from immorality. Immorality is captivating. That sounds bad to say but it is true. The fleshly nature of man longs to be set free to pursue its dark desires. I will always struggle to make wise choices regarding the morality of my life, but this is an area of life that I must determine to live as a wise man of God. I wonder what would change in my life if I made the choice to pursue morality instead of just choosing to resist immorality? I think it is a huge difference in approach. One means that I set my sights of things that are pure. The other means that I look at things that are impure and try to not do them.
Third, I must choose to make the most of my time. The best way to do this is to live each moment with a sense of intentionality. I veg out to much. There are too many days that I allow the weariness of my mind to get the best of me and persuade me to coast. I need to constantly seek to understand what the will of God is and then order my time around it. What would life look like if I constantly chose to spend my life pursuing things that were of God?
Finally, I must choose to listen only to God. I am an easy sell, especially when someone is trying to sell me on something I enjoy. In verse 6 Paul gives a very sobering warning; people will approve and affirm decisions that will lead to my destruction. All things must be filtered through God's words and His commands. The approval of man is irrelevant. The Word of God is the only thing that will withstand judgment.
I do not want to waste one more day of my life. Help me to make wise choices in the things that make up my lifestyle. I desire to be grounded in Your love. Help me make that the first thing I consider in every choice that I make. I also pray that You guide me in making choices that lead me in a direction opposite of immorality. I want to live in a place where immorality can't even be mentioned when my lifestyle is questioned. I ask that you allow me to make wise choices with how I use my time. I want to live alert and on purpose. Create inside of me a sense of urgency to see Your kingdom advanced through my life. Finally, I pray that You remove from my life any voice or counsel that would lead me away from You. It is so easy to accept the voice of others as confirmation that I am living appropriately, but there is nothing more dangerous. Darkness is deceiving and other people will approve even the most vile things to protect their own lifestyles. Lead me this day as I seek You in all the things that You lay on my heart. Help me to walk tall in Your will and name.
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