Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dividing Candy

Reading Plan: Psalm 105:1-11 & John 21


"Jesus said to him, 'If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!'" John 21:21


In the verses prior to this one Jesus informed Peter that he would be martyred. Peter's response was to inquire of what would happen to John. Jesus responded by helping Peter understand that fairness in this life is not a Biblical value. What God does in the life of another man is between that man and God.


One of the scariest moments in life for a parent is having to divide a candy bar among three kids. The little boogers watch carefully and compare each piece. Then comes the dreaded shout, "He got the bigger piece!"

It is easy for me to look at my kids in that moment and realize just how irrational they are. In that moment, the entire value of their life and our relationship swings on the few millimeters that separate the size of each piece of candy.

That is the sense that I get from God this morning. As I have grown up that "He got a bigger piece" mentality has stuck with me. It still resides deep inside of me and pops its head up in opportune moments. Lifestyle, money, success, happiness, possessions, relationships, favor, and many other things can create opportunities for me to compare myself to others and make a judgment on the fairness of what God has provided.

The "candy bars" of my adult life change, but the attitude is the same. Someone got it a little bit better than I did and I do not like it. That is the simple and ugly truth of the envy and jealousy that still lives in my flesh.


Father, I ask for Your Forgiveness. What I define in my life as being good is quite often compared to what You are doing in the lives of others. I think that I do this because my relationship with You at times is not tangible enough. I am not sure what You want from me or what You are providing me and so in my confusion I naturally look to what is taking place in another person's life to determine if what is taking place in my life is good or not.

Teach me God to celebrate the great things that You have done and not make a distinction between whether they were done in my life or in the life of another. Build inside of me a deep understanding of all the good that You have done in me and help me to constantly rest in a state of gratitude.

I seek Your face and Your strength today. Help me to see You in everything I do today. I pray that my heart will be over run with praise and gladness. I ask the You empower to fully understand what it means to glory only in Your Great Name.

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