Monday, August 31, 2009

My Lion

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 14:12-14 & Revelation 5


"and one of the elders said to me, 'Stop weeping; behold, the Lion of Judah, the root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.'" Revelation 5:5


If my life is aligned and I am seeking after God's will for my life with all my heart then I should know that I am protected by Jesus.


I really need a better image of Christ. In this verse the elder refers to Him as the Lion of Judah. The Lion. As I look upon those words they do not resonate with me as they should. My image of Jesus is weak. The most prevalent image I have of Christ is His earthly form; the meek son of a carpenter who stood silent while He was accused, beaten, and killed.

That is not who Jesus is today. He is a victorious warrior. He has traded in His earthly form and taken on His heavenly majesty. He is the Lion of Judah. He has over come death. He has dominion over satan. He was slain but now has received power, riches, wisdom, might, honor, glory and blessing.

That is the Christ I serve. That is my Lord, my Savior, my King, my Deliver, and my Comfort. He is a Lion. He is able. What should I ever fear? What should I ever doubt? The only thing that should cause me concern is my obedience to His will for my life.


I sit this morning longing to know You more. My life is but a shadow of what it could be. I have only tapped into a small portion of the purpose You have for my life. I have only experienced a sliver of the potential that exists for me.

I want all that You have for me. I sincerely mean that. At the same time I want things my way. Therein lies my problem and my sin. I want You to be fully mine but I do not want to be fully yours. I realize that things do not work that way but it is an honest assessment of what I know to be true of me. I confess this to You this morning.

Holy Spirit I pray that I be able to clearly see the plans God has for me today, find the all the courage I need to walk towards them, access the strength I need to fulfill them, and rest in the power of Christ to complete them.

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