Monday, May 19, 2008

Being a Consistent Me.

"I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart. I will set no worthless thing before my eyes;" Psalm 101:2

I have heard it said many times what you do in the privacy of your own home is your own business. This scripture would seem to disagree.

What does it mean to walk within my house in the integrity of my heart? This really is stirring on my mind. It is so tempting to just come home and let my guard down and just try to find some way to relax and unwind. My days are so hectic and filled with so much stress that I just let go when I get home. So what areas of my home life are not in alignment with the integrity of my heart?

First, I am not intentional enough at home. My work life is planned out. I know on any given day what I need to accomplish and I can reasonably predict what is going to happen. I have goals. I have targeted things that I want to accomplish. It is not that way at home. I tend to resist all these things. After a long day the last thing that I want to do is work on another task list. Be that as it may, what is more important, being effective in work or being effective at home?

Second, I am slothful at home. I never turn down work at work. I constantly keep myself moving and I do all that I can to be a good employee. I rarely resent the fact that I have work to do. I would never just sit on the couch and do nothing. Yet at home, I seem to want to just kick back. Let things go. There are projects that I know need to be taken care of, yet I just sit back or I do them with a worthless heart. I do help Brandy out a good bit with cooking, cleaning and caring for the kids but I approach it with a slothful heart.

Third, I don’t develop relationships enough at home. If you were to ask me about the people I work with the most, I could roughly outline for you their strengths, weaknesses, and what their current agenda is. I know my guys pretty well and I am very conscious of the impact of my behavior on them. At home, this is a little less certain. I really don't understand why. I love my wife and kids. I spend a great deal of time with them and I have a strong relationship with them. But as I am honest with myself this morning, I just feel like I am not at my best when it comes to really developing my relationship with them.

Fourth, I seek idols at home. This one hurts. From the moment I get home to the moment I leave for work I am seeking relief. That relief takes the form of many things. It can be TV, cooking, playing with my kids, reading a book, or spending time with my wife. I am not looking to serve them nor to serve God. I am looking for a way to relax and feel better about myself. I place the activities above the relationships. That is an idol. I need to learn how to serve them with integrity and in all things look to God for my joy and strength.

This is a tough one this morning. I never like hearing that I am failing, but I really do not like to hear that I am failing at home. Teach me to be intentional with how I interact with my family, but help me avoid becoming overbearing. Guide me as I seek that balance. My family needs the same strengths that I bring to my job. I pray for wisdom as I seek to discover the best way to apply them.

I confess to you this morning that I am indeed slothful in my actions and heart as I take care of my duties in my home. I pray for Your forgiveness. Coming home is not the end of my day. It is simply a transition of roles. Teach me to find rest and satisfaction in leading my home and keep my heart from seeking escape from stress.

My wife and kids are precious gifts. The most important things You have given me. I really focus on enjoying them, but I drop the ball when it comes to being intentional in our development together. Give me eyes that see and ears that hear Your desire for them. Allow me to join You and serve them as You unveil the plans for greatness that you have for each of them.

I confess to You this morning that I have idols in my life. When I come home my mind shifts and I begin to think about finding ways to relax and unwind. I start thinking about finding pleasure. I place that above my relationship with You and so I know that means I am making my personal life an idol. Teach me how to enjoy hobbies and fun activities without being consumed by them. Teach me how to use them to draw closer to You and find deeper joy in You.

I try to live my life in three sections, my work life, my family life, and my personal life. This model does not work. I do not have three lives to live, I only have one. Help me to learn how to maintain my integrity as I work through the many different roles that you have given me. Teach me to consistently lead from the integrity of my heart regardless of the role I am serving.

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