Sunday, May 18, 2008

Finding Peace

"Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance." 2 Thessalonians 3:16

This chapter contains an amazing outline of prayer. The outline that really sticks out to me tonight are verses 1, 3, 5, 9, and 13 of 2 Thessalonians chapter 3.

Sometimes I sit down to pray or study and I just draw a blank. That has happened to me a great deal this month. It is almost like the well goes dry. As I begin to pray, I just can’t find the words. As I prepare to journal, my mind goes in a thousand different directions and it is hard to reign in and come up with any coherent thoughts.

Tonight I have been reminded of the power of just praying the scripture. God has given me His Word as more than just a guide. It supplies me with everything I need to find wisdom and peace. It is life blood to my heart, mind and soul.

There are so many things over which You have given me peace. As those struggles fade into the backdrop of my life it is easy to just move on and forget what You did. I pray tonight that you help me remember others who are facing similar circumstances. I ask that Your Word spread rapidly and be glorified in their lives just as it was in mine.

I ask that You continually remind me that You are faithful. It is only through You that I can be strengthened and nothing else can protect me from the evil one. I pray that my life be a source of glory for Your name and that nothing evil in my life would cause someone to stumble or lose their way. Let me move through my day fully aware of Your faithfulness and fueled by Your strength.

I pray that You direct my heart towards Your love. Your love is perfect in every way. There is no other source of love that is as pure, unconditional and perfect as is Your love. I desire to experience Your love and for it to pour over from my life to those I interact with on a daily basis. I also pray that Your love lead me to the steadfastness of Christ so that I may stand firm in Your purpose, Your way and Your truth; even in the hardest of circumstances.

Help my life be something worth modeling. There are so many choices that confront me on a daily basis and they present many possible outcomes. I am prone to wonder. I am capable of sinning greatly at any time. If You are not there to guide me I will forsake all that you have given me to pursue something of no worth. I know because I have seen me do it many times.

Above all, I pray that I lead a quiet life and do not grow weary from doing good. Doing the right thing is hard. There are times that it is very rewarding, but if I am being honest, it is really difficult. I have to deny myself constantly. I have to fix my eyes on something that is not always so easy to see. I have to delay my gratification in life and my ultimate reward for this labor will not be experienced until I enter the world that follows this one. Over time, this is a hard track to run. Be my strength and inspiration as I pursue the life You have given to me.

I agree with David's prayer to You in 2 Chronicles. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty. Blessed are You forever and ever. Therefore, my God, I thank You and praise Your glorious name. Your ways are the only source of continuing peace.

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