Friday, May 30, 2008

A Bold and Revealing Statement

"For I consider that sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us;" Romans 8:18

What a bold statement. This world is full of suffering. Bad things seems to happen all over the place, all the time. Taking into account all the hardships that I have observed going on around me just today; I would say this is a very bold statement. When I think about Paul's life and remember all the suffering he went thought, I would say this is a very, very bold statement. As much as this statement is bold, it is also revealing.

As I reflect upon this verse I would have to say that I don’t agree with it. I am not saying that I think the scripture is wrong, I am only saying that I could not make this statement with any level of honesty. I hate suffering. I do not consider it joy. I look at a parent suffering with a special needs child or starving children or bad family situations and I do not feel anything remotely resembling joy. It actually leaves me feeling scared, confused and angry.

Paul was a man cut out of the same stock as me. He was fully man and in no part was he God. So he had to see the same things in life that I see and feel, why is it he considered them so insignificant? That question leads me to the revealing part of this scripture, I do not really have a view of heaven. I don’t think on it very much and I certainly do not live each day in anticipation of it.

I do not know how to develop my view of heaven. What will it look like? Who will be there? What will I do? What will God be like? What about Jesus, will he still have scars? Will I be able to play golf and will I still slice and if I slice will I still curse and through my golf club? The questions abound.

Father, heaven is real. It is already in existence. The scripture says to be absent from the body is to be present with you so I know that heaven not only exists, but is occupied. It weird's me out to think about it. I am not sure how to go about changing my thoughts towards heaven. I pray for Your wisdom to guide me. Help me learn to live everyday in eager anticipation of the majesty that will be the life to come. Train me to be as Paul in the way that I think about heaven and allow the truth of what it will be to resonate deep within my Spirit. I want to have such a vivid picture in my mind that is will make my struggles seem unworthy of the day that I will be in heaven with You.

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