Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Accepting Discipline

"For why will you die O house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies, declares the Lord God, therefore repent and live." Ezekiel 18:31

I hate to discipline my kids. Just the other night, I looked at my son and begged him to not get a spanking. It breaks my heart to punish them, but it is absolutely necessary for their well being that I do it. Nothing good results from losing control of my kids and control does not come without a price. I have to apply consequences to their bad behavior in order to create incentive for them to deny what they really want to do. I do not enjoy that part of parenting, but I really enjoy my kids more when I can control their behavior.

There are many times that I feel powerless when it comes to sin. So often it feels like I am powerless against it. I lose my temper before I know it. I lust after something without much warning. It seems as if I continually do things that I swear I will never do again and lack the ability to get out of that cycle. In the middle of this, it is tough to keep my perspective.

As I read in Revelation 7:12 this morning I was reminded that to You belong all blessing, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, and power. It makes no sense that I would trade those things for the temporary benefits of sin. I am thankful for the consequences of sin in my life and for Your loving discipline. There is no condemnation or guilt for those who are sealed with You in Christ, but there is pain associated with sin. I must admit that if there were not consequences for bad choices, my life would be a wreck.

I confess to you this morning that I am powerless to stand before You pure and that my hope is in You. Lead me today to walk in a manner that taps into Your presence. May Your Glory be revealed to others through my actions. May Your wisdom guide my every decision. May Honor be given to You by the things I accomplish. May Your power come down and fill the very fabric of my being. May I find the path of blessing today as I seek to live my life. Your Grace is sufficient for all that I need.

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