Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Conflicting Commands

"But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." Luke 6

Christ was no pacifist. There are many times in the scripture that we see Him react in a manner that clearly demonstrates He was no push over. No one in the temple would have thought Him weak as He turned over their tables, cracked His handmade whip and cleaned the money traders out of the temple. None of His 12 disciples would call Him non-confrontational as they all experienced first hand Him chastise, correct, and confront the 12 as He the journeyed with him. Most of all, the religious leaders of his time would agree that Jesus was no sheep. He called this group of people what they were every time he was around them.

I get a little intrigued by how Christ could reconcile this command with the behavior I see modeled in certain scripture. As I have studied these verses today I have begun to realize that Jesus never acted to defend Himself. None of His outbursts, confrontations, or conflicts were build around taking up for Himself. No, they were all centered on defending His Father, fulfilling His mission, defending the helpless or building up another person. His motives were pure.

I do not particularly like these verses. They sting for I can be a vengeful person. That word vengeful looks ugly on paper but it is the truth. Once I get angry at a person I brood over it in my mind. I have conversations with them in my head and as I do I build up my anger so that I can tear them down. In the back of my mind I normally carry an arsenal of zingers carefully crafted to help me prove a point and win an argument. My memory is littered with scenes of un-forgiveness as I move through life carrying bitterness towards people who have hurt me in the past.

In my present position, I am given ample opportunity to continue this trend in my life. People can be cruel. Really cruel. There are certain conversations that just stick with me. Many encounters I can’t get past. People attack me from many different angles and no one seems to care what is best for anyone. They want what they want when they want it regardless of what else might be taking place. Many times, I find myself in the uncomfortable position of being the one standing between what they want and the mission of the greater good. It does not often go well for me in those situations.

As I have read these verses this morning I have been convicted of my own personal pride. I want people to like me. There is a part of me that me that still longs for acceptance from others. I want to make people happy and have them sing my praises. This is called sin. I am not on my own personal mission, I am pursuing a calling to a greater mission. One that God has created for my life. I am not on my agenda, but His. I have to move my personal feelings aside and act on behalf of my Father.

Anger is not a bad thing. It is not a sin. Your word never says to not be angry. It does, however, issue warnings about anger. I am instructed to be slow to anger, to be angry and sin not, and to not pursue vengeance. I struggle with all of these. I need Your help. My heart's desire this morning is to transform my anger into zealousness for Your mission. I pray that my desire for You grow until it chokes out my desire for myself. Teach me forgiveness as I struggle to release people from hurts inflicted on me. Train me how to take each thought captive so that I don’t ponder on the motives of others, the actions they take or the response I will give should conflict arise. Center my self-worth around my relationship with You and remove me from the vicious hands of human approval.

You alone are worthy of praise. You alone are able to save. You alone are God. If my anger is to rise up, I want it to rise up in defense of Your will or to protect people unable to defend themselves. You have lavished kindness on me even as I have been ungrateful and evil in my thoughts and actions. Help me today to be merciful, just as You are merciful.

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