Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An Active Pursuit

Today's Reading: Ephesians 6


"With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints." Ephesians 6:18


Prayer is more than a heavenly form of 911 to call during emergencies. It is more than a Divine application of Wikipedia to use for answering questions. It is more than a Spiritual garbage dump to be used for venting frustration. Prayer is an active pursuit of God's agenda in the lives of those on earth.


I am really bad about saying, "all we can do is pray." When I say that there is always a hint of desperation because I feel as if praying is not much or I am just saying that because I do not know what else to say. This morning's text serves up some strong reminders about my prayer life.

At all times and in the Spirit is the first command. Prayer is not supposed to be something that I turn on and turn off when my life gets uncomfortable. I am also not supposed to pray according to my will but rather I am supposed allow the Spirit to get me in alignment with God's. Every moment of every day is supposed to be an active form of walking in prayer, seeking the will of God.

Persevere in being alert is the second command. I love the fact that the Bible was written by imperfect men under the inspiration of a perfect God. Why would Paul have said persevere if there was not going to be a struggle? He knew from his on experience that staying alert and in the Spirit was a near impossible task. Staying engaged in prayer is a hard task that will require much effort on my part.

Petition for all the saints is the final command. The object of my prayers can not always be me. Intercessory prayer is tough, but the command of God's word is for me to be in touch with the condition of the lives of fellow believers and be in prayer for them; seeking God's will in their life. The Christian life is a team sport and I need to start playing as part of the team.


Father I ask that my prayer life be given a make over. Help me to find alignment with Your Spirit. My mind and emotions often hijack my prayers and so I pray my will far more often than I seek Yours.

Strengthen my perseverance. The rhythm of life makes this hard. I get lulled into complacency until something bad happens. I know without a doubt I am losing this battle. Help me be stronger in my desire to fight through distractions and stay connected with You in Prayer.

Give me Your heart for others. My nature is wickedly selfish. Open the eyes of my heart to understand the power and necessity of intercessory prayer.

Verse 10 of this chapter commands me to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Jesus, I need your strength and might in transforming the way I pray. There is no way that I can do this outside of You showing up and transforming me.

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