Friday, June 12, 2009

Be My Everything

Today's Reading: Philippians 2


"Do all things without grumbling or disputing." Philippians 2:14


This verse is speaking to more than just controlling words or emotion when doing something. It is pointing to a continual state of heart and mind that moves beyond personal desires and rests fully in Christ-like obedience.


This one stings a little. Actually, it stings a lot. A-L-L. It is a amazing that three little letters could carry such weight. In all things. Without grumbling. Without disputing. Ouch. As I read the first 14 verses of this chapter I see a few things that will help me get there.

Paul encourages me to unite with others in love, mind, and purpose. Most of my grumbling and disputing manifest themselves out of me failing to do one or all of these three things. There is one love, one mind, and one purpose and that is Christ.

Paul encourages me to kill my selfishness. There is a part of human nature that wants to receive credit and have things its way. I am not exempt from that. I can't remember how many times I have walked away from a task hurt by who got the credit or who got their way. A part of my command as a follower of Christ is to seek after His glory and not my own.

Paul encourages me to empty myself. This one gets rough. Jesus set aside A-L-L His rights, privileges, riches, glory, and power to pursue obedience with God's plan for Him. I have to follow suit. My life is no longer about me. I am a bondservant to a heavenly mission.


Father I sense this morning a strong conviction. My life is very full of me. I want what I want when I want it. When I approach You in prayer there is normally only one option that will make me happy. When I enter a task I want it to be fulfilling, enjoyable, and comfortable. When I work with others I want them to think like me. And when these things do not happen; I grumble and dispute. I confess this to You today as being sin.

I do not know where to go from here other than to express to You my desire for You to become my everything. Be my joy. Be my fulfillment. Be my peace. Be my glory. Be my all in all. There is nothing of man or earth that can offer me anything other than temporary relief or joy. The things from You are eternal. Lead me in how to follow after You in a manner that is worthy of my calling.

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