Monday, June 15, 2009

A Shift in Prayer

Today's Reading: Colossians 1


"So that you may walk in a manner worth of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:10


It is interesting to look at the things not included in this list. Paul did not start out this passage by praying for their protection. He did not start out by praying for their happiness. He did not begin by praying for better jobs, increased possessions, or any other earthly reward.


My prayers need to shift; especially when it relates to praying for knowledge. In the Bible knowledge never refers to head knowledge. Increasing knowledge in the Bible points towards knowledge that results in deeper spiritual growth. Deeper spiritual growth is evidenced by a deeper love for God's word (Ps 119:97), obedience moving closer to perfection (1 Jn 2:3-5), stronger doctrinal foundation (1 Jn 2:;12-14), an expanding faith (2 Th 1:3) and a greater love for others (Php 1:9).


Father, shifts are not an easy thing to make. My relationship with You is real and tangible, but it is also self-centered. Most of my prayers start and stop with things on my mind. I am asking this morning that You help me shift things to focus on what You want to produce with my life. I want deeper love for Your Word, better obedience, stronger theology, expanded faith, and greater love to be the fruit of my life.

I regret all the times I have set my heart on my personal peace, prosperity and protection. These things are not evil but I have totally made them idols. I confess that to You this morning. I pray for Your guidance as the moments of this day of life unfold. I pray that I approach it attentive to what You have planned and what You desire to be accomplished.

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