Friday, July 17, 2009

More Than a Theoretical Christian

Today's Reading: James 1


"This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God." James 1:19


Frustrations bring out the true identity of a person. A frustration can be defined as a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression. Feelings of dissatisfaction really destroy a person's ability to hear, ability to control their tongue and ability to control their anger.


I am a driven man. I would rather die than I had lay down and quit at anything. I am hard wired to break through walls and make things happen. This is one of my greatest strengths. At the same time it is one of my greatest weaknesses. In this passage this morning I am reminded of three of the many ways this gift can get me in trouble.

The first is trials. A trial is defined as subjection to suffering or grievous experiences; a distressed or painful state. The Word says to consider it joy. Joy!? I am much more likely to consider it my enemy. I attack a trial like a wild beast fighting for its life. If the trial does not go away I become really frustrated and angry. As I do that I lose my ability to listen to God, the trial becomes the center piece of all my conversations, and I become a angry man.

The second is temptation. Temptations seem to come out of nowhere and often feel like they are beyond my control. I can't remember the number of times I have cried out to God in desperation saying, "I do not want to do this! Please just take it away." I can become quite confused, frustrated and angry when they will not go away. As I do that I lose my ability to listen to God, the temptation becomes the center piece of all my conversations, and I become a angry man.

The third is not knowing what to do. There are many times that I face something beyond my power, strength, ability and wisdom. In these moments I turn to God in prayer, begging Him to instruct me. If the answer does not come quickly and clearly I start to feel abandoned, forgotten and betrayed by God. As I do that I lose my ability to listen to God, my lack becomes the center piece of all my conversations, and I become a angry man.


Father I live my life at full-throttle. That is the only way I know to exist. I can not do anything sitting still or at a moderate pace. I have seen You use this gift to accomplish some great things in my life. I have also seen this gift cause me a great deal of hardship in my walk with You.

As I face the trials in my life I pray that You remind me to keep my faith in You and not attach it to successful outcome of the trial. As I face unrelenting temptations I pray that You allow me to not play victim to them and instead to allow You to heal my desires. As I face uncertainty I pray for the wisdom of a certain God to rain down on me and patience as I accept Your instruction.

Father I want to more than a theoretical Christian. I want to be more than just a hearer or talker of Your Word. My great desire today is to be a doer of the Word You have implanted deep in my heart. I want to stand at the edge of my faith and just jump. I want to exist in the freedom that You have provided. I want to seize every moment of my day and experience an Almighty God who is still as active today as He was in the beginning

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