Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Only Measure of Success

Read: Revelation 13

"Here is the perseverance and faith of the saints." Revelation 13:10


Reading this chapter is quite confusing. Much of what is listed is allegorical in nature and therefore it is difficult to fully understand what is being said and what will take place. This much is clear, at some point in time leaders of different nations will be granted supernatural powers that will be mistaken by many as being divine in nature. All of the earth, outside of those who belong to God, will be deceived.


While I am unsure of the timing of the events listed in this chapter there are three things I know with certainty I can learn as I watch the people in this chapter be led away. There are three sure-fire ways to be deceived. The first is chasing signs and wonders. Whether it is a business deal, a religious leader, or a political leader it is dangerous business to become enamored with results. The bigger the promise the greater the chance for deception. Getting rich quick sounds good in the presentation but it often leaves people broke in the wake of it.

The second sure-fire way to be deceived is looking at the strength of a person and ignoring the heart of their words. A polished speaker with a good program can make a convincing case. It seems like every year we hold elections I see this clearly illustrated. Politicians contradict themselves, but people fail to catch it because they never drive past the words being said. The heart of a person is always on display, I just have to look for it. I must continually guard against allowing charisma, charm and strong words to captivate my attention. The things of God often defy charisma, charm, and strength; but, they never fail to fully reflect the heart of God.

The final sure-fire way to be deceived is to mistake success as an indicator of God's favor. God is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Following after God is not an invitation to experience a padded life of comfort. Surrendering my life to God does not guarantee the absence of pain. There are seasons of life when failure is my best instructor. There is a constant reality that this world is broken and it is not my home. The words of Jesus continually ring in my ears as He reminds me that in this world I will have trouble. Success is a strictly Americanized value that has been tied to Christianity as a sign of favor. There is not a single verse in the New Testament that speaks to earthly prosperity as a sign of favor. Success is not evil and the pursuit of it is in no way wrong, but using it as a spiritual scorecard is a slippery slope.


Father I am grateful for Your presence in my life. As I sit with You this morning, I am reminded of the fact that You have a plan for reconciling this world to Yourself and that plan is in full affect. My perseverance and faith is not tied to the circumstances that I face. My strength comes from You and the presence of Your Spirit in my life.

I ask that I be protected from deception today. I pray that I not be counted among the rebellious generation that seeks signs and wonders. I desire that I only be led by Your still and quiet voice in my heart. I ask that You protect me from the charisma of men. It is really easy right now to be led astray by convincing words. I pray that I have ears that hear the heart and ignore persuasive words. I ask that I not get caught up in judging success or failure. I pray that You remind me daily that the only measure of success in life that matters is obedience to Your leading in my life.

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