Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pausing to Get Right

Read: Nehemiah 4
““Don’t be afraid of them. Put your minds on the Master, great and awesome, and then fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.” Nehemiah 4:14

Nehemiah knew his task, knew his enemy, and knew his weaknesses. Nehemiah also knew his God. In moments of great risk he allowed his knowledge of God to push him forward past his knowledge of his challenges.

As I sit and quietly pray I realize that my knowledge is weak. My understanding of the task, my knowledge of the enemy, and my awareness of weaknesses are all lacking. Most critically, my knowledge of God is too weak to press me forward.

Holy Spirit, I sense that You are stirring something deep in me this morning. I can’t put words to it yet, but I feel it reverberating in my soul. I feel like I am on the eve of launching a major offensive only I realize that my plans are not right. Instead of charging ahead with something I know is not exactly right, I want to pause this morning.

As I have continued to sit silent this morning and listen, I feel like I now hear what You are saying. Just to ensure that we are on the same page I want to speak back to You the three stirrings I hear in my heart. My marriage is not strong enough to endure the battle ahead, the anger I carry in my heart is going to work against me, and the message I am carrying is not completely aligned with the one You want me to have. If those are wrong correct me. If not I submit to You today, trusting that you will give me revelation as to what to do with these stirrings.

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