Friday, April 18, 2008

Face Lift

OBSERVATION: The common definition of fear is: a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.

This is the ultimate curse of legalism and empty religion; it teaches people this definition of fear. It robs the world of the true beauty of God. He never casts down those who seek Him in humility and brokenness. Only the proud and haughty experience this side of God.

APPLICATION: I have been in church and around "Christians" my entire life. As a result, I carry many scars. Too many to count. At one point, the pain of the Christian life that was given to me became to great to bear and I walked away from God. I just never was able to live up to the expectations that I felt were required of me. I always felt guilty and condemned. Dirty. Useless. A failure on all counts. I remember someone once telling me that I had to clean out every sin from my life before I could approach God. Talk about a tall order?

I hate that part of my past more than anything. It robbed me of so much time with God. This verse captures what I have learned to be true of God; when I seek Him from a pure heart my face radiates. There is no shame waiting for me when I look to God. None. Not a bit. God does not slap me down when I approach him with fear (awe) and humility (pure heart). Quite the contrary. He draws near. He encamps around me. He takes my want away and I am left lacking no good thing. As long as my heart remains broken for Him, I have nothing to keep me away from him.

PRAYER: It is amazing to me just how beautiful You are and even more amazing than that is just how beautiful I feel on the inside when I enter Your presence. Of all the things I have sought pleasure in, I can honestly say that there is nothing that compares to You. There is no greater peace, no greater joy, or no greater comfort to be found anywhere other than with You.

Keep my heart broken towards You. As I go through this day keep my tongue from evil and my lips from deceit. Show me the way that leads away from evil and towards good. Reveal to me the path of peace and give me the wisdom to pursue it. All these things lead to Your presence and that is where I desire to spend my days.

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