Friday, January 23, 2009

Quiet Time

Today's Reading: Exodus 6: 1-12; Ex 7:1-12; Ex 8:16-19 & Luke 23:32-34

"But Jesus was saying, 'Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.'" Luke 23:34

Throughout today's reading I see three men doing some pretty incredible things. In Moses and Aaron I see two old, washed out men going before a nation of slaves and the Pharaoh of a great kingdom to command them towards something of which neither wanted. At a season of life when they should have been slowing down, Moses and Aaron were just getting on their way.

In Jesus, I see a man suffering great things at the hand of wicked people and yet He keeps His wits about Him. The pain and suffering of Christ was horrible. That is what is so amazing about His composure. In spite of everything, He stayed focused on His mission.

It is easy to look at these examples and miss out on a key point; in both cases they spent time alone with God on the front end and worked out their issues regarding what was coming next.

I have heard many sermons preached on just how insecure Moses was. Preachers and churches have made much to do about all the doubts Moses had and how he expressed them to God. In most cases these moments are told by men to illustrate an example of what not to do. I would disagree. I think Moses lays the ground work for exactly what I should do. Moses dropped all sense of false piety and got honest with God. He did not withhold his thoughts. His conversation with God went straight through the heart of his concerns.

I have often looked at the Grace reflected in Christ throughout his time of crucifixion. I find it amazing that He endured all that He endured and the manner in which He conducted Himself is incredible. This morning I noted the words He spoke from the cross, but the truly amazing event was noted in an earlier passage. In Luke 23 I see Jesus praying & spending time alone with God. He did not hide His fears. He spoke honestly with His Father and allowed the full weight of all His emotions to be conveyed in His prayer. So much so that not only did he sweat in anguish; His sweat turned to blood.

I am thinking this morning that my quiet time is a little weak. I approach You in prayer and confess my reliance on You but my prayers are counted cheap in comparison to what I see from these two stories.

I realize this morning how little time I actually spend seeking out Your mission for my life. My prayers are so wrapped around what I want from life that I rob my time with You of its full joy.

I need Your help. There is no way I can make this change. There is nothing I can do about the selfish nature of my prayers. My prayer life is a reflection of my daily life. If I am living my daily life to serve my own purpose then my prayer life will be the same. I ask today that You make clear to me Your mission. Speak to me with clarity. Help me to know beyond any doubt the call You have for me. I want to live each day on mission for You, pursuing Your purposes.

I want to know You as Moses and Jesus knew You. I want to converse with You just as Moses and Jesus conversed with You. The problem is, I do not want to suffer for You as Jesus and Moses suffered for You. I realize that I can't have one without the other. I realize just how strongly I hold on to the comfort of my life. I submit to You this morning and pray that You heal the selfish nature of my heart.

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