Monday, January 19, 2009

Words and Action

Today's Reading: Luke 19

"He said to him, 'By your own words I will judge you, you worthless slave.'" Luke 19:19

Gifts from God do not come without expectations. God expects us to make something of what He gives to us. Though the slave's actions were not that great, it was not what he did that was judged. It was what he said. Words reflect the heart. It was his heart God judged.

What are my words? The clearest picture I have as to the condition of my soul is my mouth. I can fake my actions, but ultimately what is on the inside will be revealed in the words I speak. Are my words complaining? Angry? Lazy? Full of excuses? Self Serving?

What are my actions? God expects me to be at work. While the words of my mouth reveal the condition of my heart, my actions paint the clearest picture of what I believe. Are my actions worthy of my calling? Do they touch the lost? The hurting? The abandoned? Do they serve God or do they pursue my own objectives?

Words and actions, these two things go together and create an inseparable bond in the eyes in Jesus. You can't have one without the other.

Father, there are moments when my time with You results in a clear understanding of what you are trying to say to me. I hear Your voice and in a matter of moments know quite clearly what it is You are asking of me.

Then there are moments when my time with You results in an understanding that is not so clear. That is how I feel this morning. I know in general terms what You are saying to me, but the specifics are a little fuzzy.

Based on Your word this morning, I know that You are speaking to me about the words of my mouth and the actions of my life. What I don't understand is the specific response You are asking of me. I pray today for Your wisdom as I sort this out. Speak to me today with clarity and help me to investigate every word I speak and evaluate each action that I take. My desire today is that both my words and my actions create something that is of worth to You today.

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