Thursday, January 29, 2009

Speaking Out and Letting Go

Today's Reading:
Psalm 12 & Acts 5

"So in the present case, I say to you stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action is of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God." Acts 5:38-39

Debates and fights are a common theme in any organization or entity. Difference of opinions, strategy, and desired outcomes incite the worst in people. In the heat of the battle, people become consumed by the emotion of a moment and their disagreements take on a life of their own. If not managed properly, these situations shift gears and it becomes a battle of wills; not a battle for what is best.

As things reached a fever pitch in this passage, one of the prominent leaders of the day had to courage to speak up. He had the wisdom to understand the actions of their past and to trust in the sovereignty of God. He risked everything in his life to say what he felt was right.

I'm stubborn. That is actually a little bit of an understatement. Pigheaded would be a better word. From this passage I see two reminders.

First, I need to remember that I am not God. I am not perfect. I need to pay attention to what God is doing around me and understand the results of my past decisions. There are many times that I may feel like I am moving in the right direction but I may well be working against God. I must stay in a frame of mind that is willing to admit my mistakes.

Second, I need to avoid falling in with the crowd. There have been many times that I ignored the gentle urging of God to speak up or speak out in certain situations. The quiet voice of God in my life must cut through the noise of the crowd. There will be moments when He calls on me to speak out against what is being said.

My stubbornness is one of my greatest strengths and it is also one of my fatal weaknesses. I know that You speak clearly to me, but I pray that You help me listen. My greatest fear in life is being found in a moment where I am working against You. In the heat of discussions I pray that You teach me to balance the need for speaking out and the wisdom in sitting silent. Above all, I pray that I be counted among the men fight for the plan that is from You.

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