Monday, April 19, 2010

A Battle to Win

Read: Romans 1

"For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened... And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper..." Romans 1:21 & 28


God reveals Himself to all of mankind. When we choose to not glorify that revelation then He chooses to no longer reveal Himself and He also chooses to turn us over to our foolish mind and choices. Behavioral problems and issues with sin all trace their roots back to a refusal to honor God or glorify Him.


Conviction is an important thing. I look back over my life and there are several seasons of misery that I can remember. Prior to each of those seasons I can remember a time when God revealed to me something to me about Himself. That revelation required a change that I was not willing to give so I ignored it. The result in my life was a backslide down a sinful path.

I make a lot of choices each day but none are more important that what I do with the knowledge that has been revealed to me regarding God. If I acknowledge the revelation by giving God His glory and my submission then I will draw close to the heart of my Father. If I do not see it fitting to acknowledge the revelation by glorying God with my submission, then I can fully expect to be turned over my own desires.


I am hard-headed and strong willed. I fully understand that what You reveal to me about Yourself requires change on my part. I can not follow after You and stay the way that I am. I know this, I understand this, but I struggle hard with it. The moment You convict me of something the battle begins.

I know my desires and the dark places to which they lead. I confess to You that they are no good. I pray that You help me win this battle. When I hear Your voice and sense the change that You require I pray that You empower me to charge after that change with all that is within me.

My life has taught me that there is nothing good or sustaining outside of Your presence. Your grace and mercy are incredible. Your character is trustworthy and Your strength are never failing. I rest today because You are Lord of my life. Open the eyes of my heart to clearly see the things You desire to teach me today. This day of life will be wasted if it does not lead me to understand something new about You.

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