Monday, April 18, 2011

Handling Adversity

Read: Judges 3-4 & Psalm 69; 118
“The LORD is on my side; I will not fear…” Psalm 118:6

Being a child of God does not come with an exemption from struggles. They will happen. In reading Psalm 69 and 118 together there is great wisdom to be found regarding how a child of God can handle adversity.

The first thing that jumps out at me is timing. Timing is not mine to control. When I place time constraints on God I am really just trying to force Him to work on my timetable. I am telling God what to do and when. That is not mine to do. I have to trust God with the timing of His deliverance. Most of the disappointment and frustration in my life is tied to God not answering me in the “now”.

In this reading I also see great examples of faith. I can never lose hope. In reading these passages it becomes clear that while avoiding all pain is not an option, neither is living in defeat and misery. God will deliver me. His character compels Him to do so. God will provide joy because His very presence is joy. When things drag out and circumstances heat up I must stand firm in the things that I know are true of God.

The final thing I am reminded of is probably the hardest to accept. Praise offered to God during times of doubt, struggle, threat, and pain are beautiful offerings to God. Anyone can praise when things are good, but only a fool would offer praise when all hell has broken loose. God loves people who are fools for Him.

Father You are good to me when there is nothing good in me. You pursue me when nothing in me desires You. Your love for me has never abandoned me even when I cursed You and lived a lifestyle that defiled Your name. Your love is more steadfast than anything in me and Your grace and mercy defy the laws of human reasoning.

I want to offer You my praise this morning. You alone deserve my glory. You alone are worthy of my attention. There is no place I would rather be than right here, right now, standing in Your presence and fighting for Your will. When those close to me fall away and I am left standing, I am never left alone. You are my rock. You are my fortress. All of Your ways are good and You have proven that there is no God like You. I love the life You have offered me and I pray that I handle myself in a way that honors Your name and reflects Your character.

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