Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Stupid Shepherd

Read: Zechariah 11
“GOD then said, “Dress up like a stupid shepherd. I’m going to install just such a shepherd in this land—a shepherd indifferent to victims, who ignores the lost, abandons the injured, and disdains decent citizens. He’ll only be in it for what he can get out of it, using and abusing any and all.” Zechariah 11:15-16

Scripture earnestly stresses the serious responsibility of human leaders to those who follow them. In these verses God outlines a few traits that belong to a stupid shepherd: He is indifferent towards those he misleads, he ignores the lost, he abandons the hurting, and he fails to feed the strong. A bad shepherd cares only for himself.

The Jesus in me is called and commanded to be a shepherd to His people. No matter how far I run or how frustrated I get with the task, I am called to be a shepherd to His people. This is never not my job; I am always on duty. The only question is, “Am I a good shepherd or a stupid one?”

Holy Spirit, help me empty me of me. The force of self-perseverance inside of me is stronger than my willingness to lay down my life for others. Break my heart for the people in my life and do not allow my pride to refuse acknowledging my failures in leadership. I must not be indifferent to those I let down.

I also ask that You make me acutely aware of a person’s standing with God. I do not want to ignore the lost. Help me engage in Your mission of calling people to the Father through Jesus.

I pray that You not allow me to miss out on caring for the hurting. As people come and go around me today, I pray that You give me insight into their pain and allow me to speak words of healing.

I must also ask that You help me sustain the strong. It is easy to sit back and become jealous of or feel threatened by those who are on fire for You. Instead of coveting their gift, I pray that I become a vessel of blessing and encouragement to them.

I want to be a good shepherd today. Starting in my home and extending to the community around me, help me walk after the Perfect Shepherd who walked this earth as a man and now sits beside the Father in His resurrected glory.

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