Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Perfect Example

Today's Reading: Ester 9:1-5 & Luke 19


"For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost." Luke 19:10


Jesus walked the earth as a perfect example of how God the Father desires for a man to live his life.


Based on that truth it is easily safe to assume that God desires for me to seek and save that which is lost. As I read this passage from Luke there are 3 things that Jesus did to help stay on task

First, Jesus looked past the crowds. People had crowded the streets as everyone came out to get a glimpse of Jesus. It would have been a crazy busy scene. But Jesus did not get caught up in the hype and chaos of the moment.

Second, Jesus paid attention. Jesus continually scanned the crowd, but He did not see the crowd. He saw individuals. He saw their faces. He knew what He as looking for and kept His eyes open for an opportunity.

Finally, Jesus followed the mess. Once Jesus locked in on his target He followed it into some messy places. Jesus did not want to save only Zaccheus; He wanted to impact his entire network.


I have never had a crowd of people usher me into the city, but my life can get really crowded. Father all the chaos and people can become a ear piercing flow of steady distraction. I ask that You help me stay focused on my mission. I pray that I have Your eyes and heart for the people I will encounter today and that when I see where You are working I will have the courage to stand firm in the middle of the messiness of life and be a firm foundation for someone to connect with You.

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