Friday, June 3, 2011

Facing Trials

Read: 2 Corinthians 2
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.” 2 Corinthians 2:14

In the verses preceding this one Paul talks through the trials he had faced. His life was no picnic but he always found that faith won in the end.

There are three really important parts of this passage I needed to see today. First, I must maintain my praise. No matter what happens in my life I absolutely have to hold tight to an attitude of praise. In the midst of a battle satan knows that the most decisive victory for him is to separate me from praising God. So, the strongest temptation in a struggle is always going to be to doubt the goodness of God.

Second, getting through rough patches is only accomplished by walking in Christ. The only lasting victory is in Him. We are called to join in His sufferings, but we are also promised and guaranteed to join in His comfort. The comfort of Christ is greater that the pain of this earth. This comfort can only be dispersed to my heart when it is aligned with the love of Christ.

Finally, the aim of my life is to spread the knowledge of God. No matter where I am or what I am doing or what I am facing the ultimate prayer that needs to be on my lips is that those around me would recognize the aroma of Christ.

There are days that I simply do not feel like praising You. In all honesty there are days that I despise the life You have given me and just want a break. There are moments when I long for something comfortable, predictable, and normal. The pain and suffering of the past few months has represented an epic battle to hold firm to my faith and keep walking ahead. In the midst of that battle I have been imperfect in my praise of You. Weaknesses in my faith have been revealed and I have often found my heart containing more laments than praises, but in the end I have always found myself returning to Your goodness and praising the greatness of Your name.

You know my needs. My life is in Your hands. Lead me today to walk as Christ and allow my life to spread the aroma of Your name. I pray that the comfort of Christ be stronger than the pain of life. I pray that the reality of You in my life produce a praise that exceeds my doubts and the sorrow that I face. My God, You are my only hope. You are my only remaining source of joy. I take Your hand today as a child and trust You to care for and lead me. Help me be joyful in this journey.

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