Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Today's Reading: Psalm 50 & 2 Corinthians 1

"For our proud confidence is this: the testimony of our conscience, that in holiness and godly sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom but I the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you." 2 Corinthians 1:12

Relationships often go sour. That is what Paul was facing here. All that he had invested with the church of Corinth was being threatened. People were rising up against him to challenge not only his leadership, but his calling from God.

As a leader this must have been a painful test. It had to be tempting to doubt what God had done. But Paul points out that the secret to confidence does not lie in what we do or the results we achieve. The secret to great confidence is the degree to which we are dead to ourselves and surrendered to Him.

As I have been looking at this verse this morning I have also been looking at Psalm 50. In Psalm 50, I see four things guaranteed to destroy my confidence.

Psalm 50:17 points out that I can't hate discipline and ignore God's word. There is no doubt that the greatest gift of God I received in Christ is my freedom. I have been set free from the weight of the law and no longer have need of guilt and condemnation. That said, my lifestyle matters. God still loves me and will discipline me as He grows me. My confidence can't be established until I learn how to recognize His leading in my life. If I resist His direction or remain ignorant of His discipline, I will never be anything more than shaky. A confident man is an obedient one.

Psalm 50:18 points out that I can't be pleased with thieves and adulterers. Sin is sin. I must develop a holy contempt for sin. If I chose to justify the sin in the lives of others or allow it in my own life, I will never walk in confidence.

Psalm 50:19 points out that I must guard my tongue. Man, this one hurts. My tongue creates a lot of trouble for me. In the heat of battle my neck flushes red, a little vein pops out on my temple, my anger bursts into flames, and I can be flat nasty. Words spoken in fleshly anger are planted around me like landmines. Confidence is impossible when I live in fear of each step causing one of them to explode.

Psalm 50:20 point out that I must not speak in slander. Falling into this is easier than I think. If I ever say anything negative about a brother or sister to another person for any reason other than to seek their help in building that person up; I have slandered. Many times I start out with good intentions, but then I fail to finish well. As hard as confrontation can be, things I have spoken in slander will always hold my confidence hostage.

In moments when my confidence is shaken, I ask God for the wisdom and humility I need to accept responsibility for my actions. I do not want to lose sight of Your words nor do I want to resist Your discipline. Holy Spirit I ask that You guide me in discerning the work of my Father in my life. Grace is free but confidence is a result. It is produced when my life is aligned with Your will, truth and ways.

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