Thursday, May 28, 2009

Letting Go

Today's Reading:  Proverbs 8:12-21; Proverbs 9:9-12; & Romans 9



"Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though it were by works.  They stumbled over the stumbling stone." Romans 9:32



Understanding the balance between works and faith is a confusing task.  This task is compounded when one must also throw into that equation the internal conflict created by trying to reconcile the justice of God and His sovereignty over all of man's choices. 



There are mornings when I look at a passage of scripture and the application literally comes screaming off the page at me.  Then there are mornings like this when I sit and struggle to understand what I need to do.  I hear God saying to me this morning, let Him break my heart for the lost, let go of my compulsion to perform, and honor his sovereignty over the earth.  I just am not clear on what that looks like practically.



You alone are God.  You created the heavens and the earth.  There is nothing created that is not in Your hands and subject to Your control.  My mind, will and emotions are included in that.  I ask this morning that You help me relax and trust that You are guiding my steps.  I fear failure, especially moral failure.  I have seen the dark side of my choices and my desire to not return to that place often drives me more than my desire to see Your Glory. 


My heart needs to be more broken for my brethren.  You did not place me on mission in some foreign land.  You left me in the United States.  You did not do that so that I could live a comfortable life.  You did it because of Your desire to redeem my countrymen.  I pray that You break my hear for the lost among me here.  I pray that this country turn from our lusts and passions and commit our resources to advancing Your kingdom.  Take the resources stored up in the houses of the ungodly and put them in the hands of men and women who will use them to pursue Your heart's purpose for the world.  

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