Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Voice in the Crowd

Today's Reading:  Psalm 71 & Matthew 26:36-56



"Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."  Matthew 26:41



Pure and good intentions are not enough.  Jesus knew all that would happen to Him.  He fully intended in His heart of hearts to complete the mission given to Him by God.  He had no desire in the world other than to fulfill the desire of His Father in heaven.  Yet, this chapter reminds me that He also understood the weakness of His own human flesh. 



Prayer is more than empty, repetitive words.  It is more than a way to access a cosmic genie to grant my desires.  It is more than anytime access to the Dr. Phil of the heavens to help me feel better.  Prayer is a tool of war whereby I enter the presence of Yahweh, receive instructions, push back my enemies and find submission to the God of the universe. 



Father, I am not living my life intentionally enough.  "Keep watching and keep praying."  Those words from Jesus ring in my ears and sit heavy on my heart this morning as I awake to the lightness of my own prayer life.


There are so many distractions.  Father, it seems impossible to me this morning to find a the level of commitment that I sense You are asking from me.  I do not know where to begin.  I definitely want it and my desire to walk in Your will is strong.  At the same time the weakness of my mind, will and emotions are working against me. 


I ask today that You forgive me for my sleep.  It has been too long since I last went away to be alone in prayer for the sole purpose of relinquishing my desires for the pursuit of Your mission.  I am not alert right now.  Bills, my kids, my wife, my work, and my own needs all rise up and demand my attention.  I feel so distracted.  It is like I am in a room of a thousand different people and they are all calling my name.  I have lost Your voice in the crowd.


Thank You for the warning this morning.  I am here to the best of my abilities to listen to Your voice.  Guide me in clarity today.  Open my eyes to see and my ears to hear.  The passing of time catches me off guard.  I look up and realize that this year is nearly half gone.  My life is fleeting at a pace that seems to increase each year.  I have lost time that I will never get back.  Help me return to Your voice and to be a better steward of the days I have left.

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