Monday, September 14, 2009

The Big Three

Today's Reading: Psalm 110; Ezekiel 36:22-27; & Revelation 19


"Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26


The greatest work that God has in store for me has nothing to do with tangible rewards in my earthly existence. The higher purpose of His plans for me all tie to the work He desires to do in my heart.


It is really challenging to sit back and allow God to work on my heart. There are so many things in my life that present distractions. Projects I wish to complete, goals I must accomplish, relationships I need to heal, contacts I need to make, and those are just a few of the higher level tasks that demand my focus. If I descend further into the details of my life it does not take very long to realize that sitting still and allowing God to work on my heart is an amazingly impossible task for me.

But as I read the scripture this morning and pay attention to what God has been doing in my life lately I know that my heart is where He desires to work. It is the most important thing in my order of priorities of life. In every moment and in every situation I should be in constant awareness of the condition of my heart. Anything God does in my life is going to be for the purpose of increasing my heart's knowledge of Christ's work; deepening my heart's comprehension of the greatness of God's glory; and overwhelming my heart with a desire to worship God in truth.


I still remember the day some ten years ago with when You asked me to surrender to You my life's goals. That day I physically surrendered to You over 100 things I had written down as accomplishments I would like achieve before I died; but in my heart I failed to replace them and have longed to return to them.

The conviction that I have this morning is that You desire for all my energy in life to be pointed towards three things and only three things: 1.) Experiencing the fullness of Christ's lordship in my life and His victory over this world. 2). Seeing the fullness of Your glory revealed to a world that is desperate for it. 3.) Living in a constant state of pure worship of You.

Holy Spirit I pray to You today confessing my total dependence on Your help to accomplish these things. Help me connect with Your empowerment, Your wisdom, and Your guidance so that I may walk only in the way that leads to these three things being fully expressed in my life.

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