Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Choices to Make

Today's Reading: Psalm 125; 2 Corinthians 12; & 2 Corinthians 13


"Finally, brethren, rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like minded, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Corinthians 13:11


Living life with Christ can become very difficult and confusing. This passage shrinks the Bible down to 5 simple choices to seek each day: (1) Rejoice. (2) Be made complete. (3) Be comforted. (4) Be like minded. (5) Live in peace.


All five of these things seem like worthy goals to target, but there are not goals. They are choices. The goal is to be in the presence of the God of peace. These choices lead me there.


Choosing to rejoice means that I choose to be separate from my circumstances. I pray that Your word and truth become alive to me in a manner that I will rejoice in You because of who You are not because of what You have done for me.

Choosing to be made complete means that I acknowledge I am lacking and submit to Your plans for remodeling my heart. I ask that Your voice and direction be clear in my life as I seek to conform to Your will for me.

Choosing to be comforted means that I let go of how I want things to be and allow You to make me rest in the midst of what things are. I pray that I not seek to be removed from the storm as much as I seek to find Your presence in the storm.

Choosing to be like minded means that I lay down my pride and seek to understand on much larger scale than I seek to be understood. I pray that You guide me to only take divisive stands on issues that are truly essential to Your will.

Choosing to live in peace means that I sacrifice my rights to have things as I wish them to be. I pray that I be enabled to tap into the strength You have provided so that I may walk this troubled life in peace.

Father You know my inability to any of these things. My only hope is You working in me to complete the truth You have set before. My goal is not to have life my way. My only ambition is to be surrounded by Your perfect love and peace.

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