Today's Reading: 1 Corinthians 8
"yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him." 1 Corinthians 8:6
I find that my normal routine and method for journaling is blocked this morning. This verse really stood out to me, but I am struggling to process it. As I have sought You in prayer I feel as if I continually keep coming up blank.
I ask that You open the eyes of my to heart to fully grasp what it means for me to exist for You and pour into me a complete awareness of what it means to live through Jesus. I accept both of these truths but I just do not feel like I understand how to live with them in greater depth.
You alone are God and the Father of all creation. There is none like You. I sit this morning and realize that my greatest thoughts and wildest imagination can't comprehend even the most basic truths of You. Your love is beyond anything I am capable of and Your plans are unstoppable. I ask that You forgive me for the times I reduce You to something that exists to make my life easier. I exist for You and I need to live with a better submission to that truth.
Jesus You alone are my Savior and Lord. All that I am I am because of You. All the potential that exists for my life exists from You. My life most always feels limited by my resources and consequently I often feel like I come up short. I ask that You help me know what it means to be released to the power You have made available inside of me.
In all these things I say thanks to You for being alive and vibrant in my life. It is completely amazing that I am able to spend time with You daily and have a genuine interaction with You. I pray that You guide me today in finding a path that better enables me to live for You, live through You and lead others to You.
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