Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Riding the Heavens

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 33:26-29 & 1 Corinthians 2

"There is none like the God of Jeshurun, who rides the heavens to your help." Deuteronomy 33:26

Jeshurun means righteousness and it was a name sarcastically given to the people of Israel because of their rebellion during their exodus from Egypt.

This name would have represented much to the people. It would have stood for the God who delivers from oppression, the God who punishes disobedience, the God who provides, and the God who is everything they need.

The imagery in this passage is amazing. God riding the heavens and coming through the sky to place us securely underneath his protection. God running before us to drive out our enemies. God escorting us to a place of peace, a place overflowing with every blessing imaginable.

This is the God I serve. He is a God with whom I have a history. A God who knows me and I know Him. A God who is everything I need Him to be, when I need Him to be it.

There are seasons when weight of life piles up and threatens to flatten me. There are times when the struggles I face seem to promise they will get the best of me. In the heat of these moments I am often tempted to become angry at God. I take the role of a victim and feel abandoned.

What a foolish choice. As I reflect back over my life there is not a single time that God has let me fail. Things have not always gone my way and there are many questions I carry with me even now, but He has never allowed anything to overtake me.

Father understanding the intersection of Your power and my free will is something that lies beyond my comprehension. There are days when my fear stops me from moving and prevents me from following after You. There are other times that my pride and eagerness push me out in front of You. The ebb and flow of these two scenarios has inflicted a lot of damage in my life and left me feeling a little gun shy.

Your Spirit is the only source of truth. He knows the content of my heart and the desires of Yours. I ask today that You bring me into alignment. Help me to hear Your guiding voice. When I feel the weight of my world crashing in, I ask that You train my eyes to look towards the heavens knowing deliverance is near.

Father I want to feel the warmth of Your protection but I also desire to taste the danger of Your mission. I cannot appraise nor understand Your Word outside of the working of Your Spirit. The only thing I fear today is not comprehending or correctly interpreting Your word to me. Give me ears that hear, eyes that see and a will that submits.

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