Monday, March 30, 2009

The Stuff in Life

Today's Reading: Psalm 42 & 1 Corinthians 15:1-34

"As a shattering of my bones, my adversaries revile me…" Psalm 42

Stuff happens. There is no avoiding it. God is constant. He is faithful and dependable and never fails. The world, on the other hand, is a fallen place. It is a wicked world, is filled with wicked people, and is ruled by a wicked adversary. Bad things are going to happen.

As life hits the fan and splatters its mess all over the heart of my faith, stability, thoughts, and peace; I am grateful that I have God's word. God's word is filled with stories of real people journaling their real thoughts as they journey with God. This mornings passage offers me three hints on surviving the stuff in life.

First, I need to be honest about how I feel. In verse 10 the Psalmist speaks bluntly about how he feels by saying the situation felt to him like his bones had been shattered. My pride often rises up within me during trials and I am tempted to brush it aside and never confess my true feelings. A real expression of my true emotions is not nearly as dangerous as hiding what I feel.

Second, I can't let my despair drive me away from God. The Psalmist starts off in verses 1 & 2 by confessing his longing for God. There are times that I get really frustrated at God. My desperate pursuit of peaceful circumstances can at times leave me behaving a spoiled child who has been denied a request.

Third, I need to develop a history of solving problems with God. In verse 4 the Psalmist says, "These things I remember." The trouble with the pace of life is that it pushes me past events and does not allow any time to assess and review what took place. God has been very faithful in my life. He has brought me through many things. I need to carve out some time and really develop an understanding of the history I have with God. Knowing how God has worked in my past offers great security in seeking Him in my present circumstances.

With each passing day I am reminded with greater clarity of the fact that this world is fading and there is nothing in it that can offer security. Relationships can go bad. Money can simply disappear over night. Homes can be invaded and destroyed. Jobs can become victims of the ebbs of the economy. Leaders can fail. Life can be lost. There is nothing under the sun upon which a person's hopes can rest with confidence.

The only hope of peace, sanity and security I have is You. I long for You this morning. I long for a level of intimacy with You that is beyond what I currently know. I long for an experience of Your power that is stronger than what I have ever experienced. And I long for a giving of myself to the world that is above what I am able to do on my own. Help me face the stuff in my life today with honor, courage, dignity and in a way that proves my faith in You.

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